

Our Team

The VIGtv Team consists of talented individuals who are passionate about delivering quality streaming content and providing the best experience to our users.

Success Stories

Story 1: Breaking Barriers

One of our greatest successes was breaking barriers in the streaming industry. VIG-tv started as a small startup and has grown to become one of the leading ad-supported streaming platforms, offering a vast library of channels and TV shows.

Story 2: Innovation and Expansion

We take pride in our continuous innovation and expansion efforts. With our team's dedication and expertise, we have introduced unique features and expanded our content offerings to cater to diverse audiences. Our commitment to providing freemium and accessible streaming services sets us apart.

Story 3: User Satisfaction

At VIGtv, our users are at the heart of everything we do. Our success is measured by the satisfaction of our users. We strive to deliver a seamless streaming experience, personalized recommendations, and a wide range of genres to ensure that each user finds something they love to watch.

Story 4: Industry Recognition

The VIGtv Team's dedication and achievements have not gone unnoticed. We have received industry recognition and numerous awards for our contribution to the streaming landscape. These accolades motivate us to continue pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the industry.

Join Our Journey

If you're looking to be part of a dynamic team that is shaping the future of streaming, we invite you to join our journey. Visit our careers page to explore exciting opportunities and become a valuable member of the Tubi Team.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with our team, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to assist you!


Let's consider «VIG Project» as an initiative to help our community. Because all Canadians should have a fair TV access without overpaying for cable, ViGtv will end that by providing completly free TV access for everyone.

We're finally available in Canada with exclusive contents for Quebec residents. From official websites and trusted providers such as Youtube and Dailymotion, ViGtv brings all public streams right on your TV screen.

IPTV stands for internet protocol television. From a viewer’s perspective, it means watching TV through your internet connection instead of fiber-optic cable or radio waves as you would with traditional television...